Naturopath Brisband natural anxiety and depression treatment

Join us in sanctuary

Nestled behind the gold coast hinterlands you will find this oasis for the soul. Combining the art of breath work medicine, plant medicine and horse medicine, this unique experience will leave your heart singing and your body at peace, finding yourself returning home to you. Join me in this symphony of soothing remedies and expand your tool kit of anxiety and stress management strategies.

Join us for this unique naturopathic experience with our horses by your side and the plants holding your hand on the path of self discovery, nervous system regulation and body awareness. Horses have more mirror neurons than most other mammals and as such you can learn to read your tension holding patterns and nervous system states by how our horses engage and connect with you. You can learn to read what your body is communicating to you from learning to read the body languages and subtle signs of communication from our horses.

Once you have met the horses and have started on the journey of nervous system awareness and communication you will be guided into gentle breath work exercises supported by the horses. In this breath work exercises we develop nervous system regulation techniques that will help relieve stress and anxiety as well as support healthy lung function and asthma symptoms. Together, this symbiotic collaboration allows you to explore your felt senses in a safely connected environment.

Upon completion of this experience we can move in to the consultation phase and you will be prescribed a naturopathic treatment. This can include herbal tinctures, nutraceuticals and vitamins and minerals that can continue to support the recalibration of the nervous system and help you find peace and calm in our stressful lives full of demands and expectations.

Throughout the case taking experience we will go into your symptom history and picture to ensure the most suitable and effective support strategies are chosen to meet your bodies needs for a balanced, resilient nervous system.

This program is best suited to fortnightly consultations for the first 3 months to provide adequate support throughout the unwinding journey. It also give you access to the nourished nest membership.

Let’s kick off your health journey together. Book a free 15 minute call to discuss your needs and uncover how we can support your healing.