
Reduce stress, manage depression and anxiety and recover from burnout.

Join me in sanctuary to heal burnout and recover your enthusiasm for life.

Boldly overcome life’s biggest challenges by rewiring your triggers and integrating natural stress management strategies. In sanctuary you will learn how to have more energy throughout the day and align with the compass of your heart to take inspired action. Somatic experiences of self, butekyo breathing, nutrition and herbs facilitate a deep neuroaffective healing that transforms the quality of your lived experience. If you are ready to heal from burnout and recover your enthusiasm for life book a call in the link below

‘Life is going about as smoothly as herding Feral cats into a bath’

Do you get to the end of your day and debrief with your partner only to realise that your morning felt like 3 days ago? There are so many balls in the air it feels like you’re just putting out fire after fire and can’t get ahead in life.

“Stress - a state of mental or emotional strain or Tension caused by adverse or very demanding circumstances”

Ongoing, unrelenting stress changes the biochemical make up of our body. Each person reacts to it differently and will display different symptoms of it throughout their body. Some people are so used to working with high functioning stress they don’t even realise their health conditions and state of dis-ease are their bodies way of communicating the dysfunction.

cue wired but tired

are you suffering from any of the following?:

  • Brain fog, short term memory loss, forgetful, inability to focus or concentrate, insomnia, waking up in the middle of the night and unable to go back to sleep.

  • Lacking motivation and inspiration. Everything feels like a chore. The idea of preparing a meal is overwhelming. Fantasizing about escaping, starting over again, getting away from it all

  • Physical exhaustion and ongoing symptoms of pain throughout the body that don’t “fix” with modern medicine. The pain is a constant dull pain that never resolves. Restless legs.

  • Fatigue that is not resolved with sleep and can’t be explained by a medical condition

  • Mood swings. Finding it difficult to find calm and peace. Reacting to the slightest issue with anger, frustration or crying.

  • Anxiety, panic attacks or easily startled, racing thoughts, distracted and scattered thoughts

  • Food cravings, emotional eating, “zoning out” when eating. Don’t remember having eaten.

  • Abdominal pain, sharp pains of the abdomin, bloating, diarrhea, constipation or alternating between the 2.

Any or all of these symptoms can be your bodies expression of a frayed nervous system that’s on the verge of burn out, your health in tatters and completely exhausted due to overwork. Important details are falling through the cracks. The wheels are coming off. Your stress management skills are no longer keeping this circus on the road. You feel like you’re falling apart at the seams with noone to catch you and pull you back together.

If you’re ready to

  • Learn how to reduce anxiety naturally

  • Learn how anxiety and sleeplessness go hand in hand and how managing anxiety and stress can improve quality of sleep and provide insomnia relief.

  • Discover how to manage high cortisol levels so that you can heal from chronic stress and find joy and love in life again.

  • Learn the language of your body and how your symptoms are you bodies way of communicating needs unmet and how to not only gain symptomatic relief but also deep, core healings.

You need to join us in sanctuary

What you’re getting in sanctuary

  • Initial 1.5 hr jumpstart strategy session with bite size achievable action items to see improvement straight away

  • Prescription for nutraceuticals and herbal medicine to facilitate your bodies recovery and heal from stress related fatigue

  • Practical, scientifically proven body awareness, attention and breath exercises to use for stress management for a lifetime

  • Dietary and lifestyle support to create lasting changes

  • Additional lab tests as need based on individual needs, additional costs apply

  • 2 x 1 hr consultations a month

  • Ongoing messaging support: Unlimited access to ongoing support via voxer

  • Access to “the nourished nest” program

  • 10% off RR price of supplements prescribed

  • Heal your body from stress, burnout and anxiety so that you body feels light and you have the energy to play with your kids and visit friends and family even though you have a demanding career or business

Why you can no longer AFFORD to Ignore the impact of stress on your body

  • Not creating time to address the impact of stress on your body will result in time spent recovering from burn out in the future.

  • Not creating time to spend connecting to your nervous system, your breath and your body will leave you frazzled and reactive or disconnected and dissociated during times of stress making it difficult to be present for your loved ones and show up whole heartedly to your work or business.

  • Ongoing stress without the tools to manage it affects your relationships and ability to connect with others.

  • Without integrating body and breath awareness and focus and attention your ability to perform in demanding and stressful environments and navigate challenging experiences decreases significantly.

  • A lot of the pharmaceutical options to treat stress, anxiety and depression band aid the real issue and result in chronic illness further down the line. We are happy to collaborate with doctors and adjust treatment to integrate safely with pharmaceuticals and we believe addressing and resolving the root cause will help you not become dependent on pharmaceuticals just to function.

  • Without nourishing and supporting the thyroid, adrenals and HPA axis, providing the vitamins and minerals so that these essential organs can function, the process of recovering from burnout and chronic fatigue symptoms is slower and can lead to chronic illnesss.

“how much does the sanctuary experience cost?”

The mistake most people make is thinking they can do their personal development alone from reading books and without support. What they don’t take into account is how this process can make you question everything you know to be true about yourself and the world around you.

Or worse…

Wandering aimlessly through life feeling like there’s something missing and giving up on the journey to seek it out.

If you’re like me you know deep down your life has a purpose. You want to tap in to your unconditional potential and be free to live without fear, judgement or shame to walk your truth.

Sanctuary is the culmination of 17 years of seeking magic in the realms of horse whispering, plant medicine and unravelling the aspects of the individual to identify what is conditioning and what is our authentic and unique truth. From a child I knew I wanted more from life than to work in a soul sucking job but I also knew I wanted to be of service. Finding the thing that lights us up and energises us from within is our mission in this lifetime. It was what we were put here to do.

Throughout our life we are conditioned by our parents, our peers, our mentors, our teachers, our bosses to behave a certain way. This way is often not in alignment with our true nature. As we go through life, these ruptures to our integrity create disease and distress as we try to hide the aspects of our personality that have offended others. When we lift the lid on those felt experiences in our body, those uncomfortable moments, we can dig in to where our conditioning or experiences have taken us out of alignment with who we want to be. This is where we find stress.

This is your chance to work with plant and breath and come home to yourself again. Take a holiday from your inner critic. Take control of your life, your health and your stress. Find your own inner sanctuary

And you can experience the mastery of your mental, emotional and physical state for $1300 for 10 weeks or $150 a week.

Why does managing your stress matter?

These fractures of our personality show up in our lives to create stress.

“Sometimes in life, your situation will keep repeating itself until you learn your lesson.”

~ Brigette Nicole

Until we are ready to look at these fractures the stress (aka the lesson) will keep showing up in our life until we are ready to learn from it. And this is where sanctuary is so powerful. Our breath work gives us the healing space to reflect on these fractures that make us feel unloved, unwanted, unsafe, neglected and help us feel into that space to see what we have of value to offer. We can navigate our fears of not being good enough, of not being worthy and give ourselves permission to reframe this self limiting belief into one that gives us the key to unlock our potential.

Over time this state of stress wares us down and it can feel like there is nothing left in the tank we can use to affect change. We’ve literally depleted our body of its resources to manage stress….

Cue tired but wired or even worse, burn out…

This is where our plant friends come in to the rescue and replenish our reserves, our will and our motivation. Working with plant medicine we nourish, protect and balance our physical body and our hormones so that we can step in to our power and show up as the mother, daughter, wife, boss-lady we desperately want to be for ourselves, our family and our people.

Join me in Sanctuary so that you can break up with stress and learn to listen to your body’s communications and guidance through breathwork, nervous system attunement and plant connections.

Ready for your full nervous system reboot and recalibration?

Send me an email and let’s get started!